Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Waking up the machine!

Closing in on 2011, and you know what that means...., YES, the five year excuse for a good old time at another class reunion this coming summer in Ithaca!

I am just beginning to work on this again after a long, quiet time. Appologies to those who commented and I never checked in, but I have now and don't fret, You are on the list for invites this time around! I tried hard last time to reach as many of the 600+ as I could,and will try harder this time.

The dates are chosen, they will be the last weekend in July, Thurs 28 - Sun 31, 2011! So block out your time and make plans to attend; we'll try to make it more than worth your while!

Still refining the schedule, so look for that information to come out in the new year. It won't cost much, totally affordable, but before you deciide that even the little is too much, talk to me first. I would feel pretty bad if the only thing keeping you from the good company of a gang of friends is a few bucks! We'll figure something out!

I'll try to keep up with posting at least once or twice a month, Spread the word. If you have a new email address or snail mail address, fire that information to me at my email address and I will update the datebase with all current information.

That's it for now, I can't wait and I hope to see you there!

emailaddresspfeitnerataoldotcom - sorry to do that to you, but the whole spam thing is a bummer!


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