Post Cards are out!
You hopefully have seen one of these by now; if not yet, you should very soon. I sent out 530 on the 30th of March!
So, for those of you who actually read the card, you already know that if you are planning to attend, then you need to send a check to Sue for the amount to cover the number in your group. Directions are on the back of the card. The ball is in your court, so pony up the stamp and write your check!
For the rest of you who may have only looked at the pictures on the front, you should read the back and follow the directions!
All of you should magnet the card to the front of your refridgerator, circle the date on your calendar, and buy stock in whoever makes tylenol!
I'll be a little absent through the month of April, but will get back to things pretty regularly from early May up to showtime!