Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Summer's Coming Soon!

Hi All,

Things are pretty well set for the reunion which is to be held on the weekend of July 29 - 31 in Ithaca.

A reminder: it helps ENORMOUSLY if you know that you'll be attending to send in a notification and the $45 (that amount goes to $55 the weekend of, so the deal time is now! Thanks.

Also, please help get the word out to others. I have done what I could get to, but there are many, many that have no idea that there is a reunion. If you think of someone, call them, send them an email and invite them to come. We don't get these opportunities very often and the next time around will be 40th (so, relatively, 35 is looking pretty darn good!).

Send me a message, or call me if you need more info or details on the weekend schedule.

Other fun - June 17 - 19 is the 40th reunion concert for the Salty Dog! So, if you like great music, fun folks, and more, you might want to check that out as a sort of warm up!

The Thursday 28th hike and wine tasting is a very informal thing, so if you head out to the vinyard, don't say that you are looking for the IHS '76 reunion group! (the'd probably toss us out for not warning them in advance!). Just head in and have fun. You will eventually see at least me, but I imagine there will be other hiker/wine likers there as well who you will recognize.

Spread the word! See you in 7 more weeks! - Pete


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