Saturday, June 10, 2006

June 10 Update

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

Greetings! Last night my daughter, Karina, and I worked on the latest and last mailing of information prior to the reunion. If I have a functional email address for you (which you would know that I have if you have ever recieved any emails from me thus far in this process), I did not bother to send you that mailing, so don't worry if you don't get it. After this, anything news-worthy will either go out in email or post to here.

Looks like things are in fine shape. Folks are signing up, so if you haven't signed up yet, please do it and send the money to Sue (I know, broken record; it's the job).

In about a week I will send/post a list of who is planning to attend.

The Castaways night will be great. We have a DJ lined up and I am busy spreading the word to other friends from other class years, and I recommend that you do the same!

The weekend is whatever you like, so get busy and make it a gas (I know you can do it)!

That's it for tonight,
