Monday, February 27, 2006

Graduation Day - 1976

Another Tim Rogers shot. This one at graduation! I had the great good fortune to live one house away from Tim and Scott on the west shore. WAY too much fun to tell here!

We also worked together at Joe's. At one point the kitchen staff at Joe's consisted of: Jim Davenport, Jeff Boronkay, Geoff King, Tim Rogers, Dart Alling, Bud Smith. Two years of Paradise!

Later, after Joe's, Tim did a stint at the Mini-Deli on Aurora St while Scotty and I worked across the street at Subs N Such. Grab Dan Dyer and ask him to tell about one particularly memorable night at closing.

Next time - The Haunt!?


IHS '76 2006 Reunion

How do you spell trouble?

Eight years ago. Kirkwood, CA. We were turining 40 and it had been too long since having some together time. So here is a pack of fun, trouble, riot, whoop ass, whatever you want to call it!

Geoff King, Mike Ward, Jeff Boronkay, Timmy Rogers, Pete (Me), Scotty Rogers. This was a little mid-day refreshment break. Later we got a little more serious about our refreshments!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

Found this in the bottom of a box, lots of familiar faces in this one. In case the print is too small in the image, in photo are Nora Soyring, Carol Alling, Suzi Crowder, Arthur Uhl; Kevin George, Kevin Britt, Bunny Fulmer, Debbie Hall, Kathy Shannon. (C. 2/8/75) .

I'll dig some more next weekend. - Pete

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

A few more photos; it just gets funnier and funnier!

First, a peek at the inside of our senior prom tag thing (program?). This image alone will account for dozens of insane stories and years of embarrassment and regret!

Next, an earlier prom, Christmas I think. Anyhow, like the brown tux!? I rented it at the same place everybody else rented one of those things at; even had a ruffled shirt that went with it. Too bad for the tux it had to be lowered to the task of fitting me! Repayment for it's kind service, beer stains and a night spent with me on the floor under a dining room table (alone, & not mine)!

Last for now, in one of the more absurd moments, here are Scott Rogers, Mark Millar and John Necheporek pretending to be a western band! This was taken on the steps of my house on the west shore (c. 1976), which some of you will recall from one wild party or another (there were a few)!

I talked with Mark the other night. If any of you are passing through Las Vegas, you'd better call! Or, suffer the shit that he will dish out to you for failing to do so! I happened to be through there just a month ago (before I started working on the reunion), how was I supposed to know?! But, now you know, so don't say I didn't warn you!

More later

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

Digging through the attic - I was looking through some old stuff (of which I have to tell you, I have a lot of this kind of stuff), I found a couple of things I thought you might like to see.

The first is a small collection of concert ticket stubs from that period of time. Between Barton Hall, Bailey Hall, Schoellkof Stadium and, after getting a drivers licence and the old turquoise/white '66 Chevy Nova handed down from my sister, farther afield, live music was where I spent most of my wages from working at Joe's Restaraunt.

The other photo was taken at the NYState fairgrounds at a big outdoor festival. In this photo are Robin Allen, Kathy Shannon and me. I can't remember everyone on the concert docket, but I think it included the Doobie Brothers, The Beach Boys, Jefferson Airplane and others.

I'll keep looking for the odd photo to post, I have a few from as far back as Glenwood Elementary school.

For reunion plans, they are coming along. A few details to get through this week and then hopefully we will be ready to send out the info for the weekend. Any land mail address updates, please send them along to me. Thanks!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Memory troubles


Just in case you are not able to locate your very own yearbook, here's a reminder of what I look(ed) like! Notice the fine polyester suit, it was red, white and blue as I recall. It was a bicentennial after all. It was also one of the very last times I ever wore a suit!

Three days of typing hell

So how did I get to do this? This organization thing? Just another instance of Universal humor!

This will probably come as a shock to some of you, but I got to do this for two basic reasons:

1) I thought I could save us some cash, and

2) I figured I know most everything.

The combinations of these two, well for lack of a better phrase, lets call them skills, skills have created more than a few great adventures in my wacky little life. This is just one more for the list.

In the short run, the result has been a few days spent glued to my computer as I worked to transfer the information provided by IHS to a functional database (because I know best: theme).

Anyhow, between the Annual and the IHS data CD, the total amounted to a little more than 650 records. We're there really that many of us? How the hell did we fit in that little school? And there were others there too, right? Man, let's hear one for the teachers, I mean can you really blame Mr Hipolit for not reading all of our essays (riviting as they must have been)? Or that special little look that only Mrs Richenberg could manage? Or, Clemenstry? I don't know how they did it.

Joey Hopkins is doing it as I write this; teaching at IHS. Joey, how do you do that?

More later, got to take the kids out for dinner (Christy is away for a week and I am doing them a favor by NOT cooking!)


IHS '76 2006 Reunion

IHS '76 2006 Reunion - July 28-30, 2006

here you go, the keys to the car! Use these to add directly to this blog.

Screenname: peterfeitner Password: cayuga

I thought rather than keeping things calm, productive and on the "comments" page, I would just toss the rule book and give anyone of you who wants to bother, the opportunity to add directly to this blog.

If you feel inspired, just click on the BlogThis! link at the page top, you'll get a screen to enter the screenname and password and the rest is up to you.

If you want to put in an image, then you'll need to go to the "dashboard" and create tab; you'll figure it out (especially if I could)!

I will still put up information from time to time; maybe a photo or two (got to dig in the storage bins), stories, plans, whatever.

Email me if you'd rather! Have fun!


Sunday, February 05, 2006

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

IHS '76 2006 Reunion

In addition to reading this front page, click on archives on the left side bar, where you can find more random stuff!

OK, I've got it now, I think, so here is the deal:

IHS Class of '76, 30th Reunion weekend - July 28-30, 2006, Ithaca, NY!

This is the single most important piece of information on this page, so, write the date down in your calendar now and begin to make plans to attend. We are going to attempt to keep it all economical, so you really have no excuse not to come!

More information and details about the schedule for the weekend will follow over the next couple of weeks and months. But, you should still WRITE DOWN THE DATE (This means YOU, Tom Diller, Mark Millar, and the rest of you who haven't shown your faces for the past 30 years).

AND, please send me your address/email info.

Next, if you want to add information to this webpage, you can do that via the "comments" link that is immediately at the bottom of this post.
When you click on that link, you will get a new screen that will allow you to read the original post AND all of the following comments. You can add anything that you'd like to share with the general population via your very own comment.

Note: If you save the address of this site as a "favorite", the computer software will not remember to update the # of comments. So, either type in the address yourself in the navigation bar (browser bar - whateverthe hell you call that thing), OR, you can just disregard the comments counter and click it anyway to look for any new comments (they will still be there, even if the counter says they are not).

GOT IT! Confused?! Me too, but it'll get much easier very fast, trust me!

If there is some information that you think should be a headline (regular new post). Email me with what you want to say and I'll post it up there for you. My email address is my first initial "P" followed by my last name @ america online dot com.

I wrote the email address that way in order to avoid being automatically "spammed" which I gather is sometimes a problem. Guess you ought to do the same, if you are reckless enough to post your email address up for the world to see!

Otherwise, just string the comments along.

If you need help, you can try clicking on the BloggerHelp link and looking around for your answer, or you can ask me.

I think this e-network will work out OK. In any event, it was free, so it has that going for it!

Look forward to hearing from you all soon!